By this message FWN
management would like to highlight some important web site communication
skills; those are in use to help regular communication between The
Network and The Members:
By Latest News ( on the left side of the Home web page ) Members should find very important information like:
A) Credit Quality Report - This regular advise is related to important and delicate accounting advise
B) New Member Cooperations -
And other standard information like:
A) Management Trips ( Date ) -B) Meetings ( Date ) C) Tender advise (Plus Results ) D) Annual Results ( Graphics ) E) Warning List ( Tied up with major Rating FF Insurances ) F) Wishes G) Others
Another important skill, over than Track and Trace, is visible under Area Network ( on the right side of the Home web page )-
From this Area it is possible to identify Members
that has already signed for the New Rebate Contract- Those Partners are
written on Green by star key** -
Rebate is normally between 5% and 20% of the Member Profit, depending from the statistical activities-
Blue Members have got a regular contract, most of the time by Incentive Agreement with the Group ( from 25% to 75% )-
Red Nations means that Membership is still Vacant
Every 6 Months ( by Latest News ) FWN will keep Members updated about the Top Active, Top Handling and Top Incentive Members by Special Rankings. Be part of those categories means more Benefit then Standard Memberships like Free of Charge Conference, Sales Campaign support, Incentives, Good internal Raiting, etc etc
Hoping that those information will help the web-site
good use and the profitable growing business, FWN Staff will remain at
your fully disposal for further specifications
FWN Management