What is FWN? |
FWN is a freight forwarder Global Network Provider operating on global basis.
What makes FWN different to other global forwarder networks? |
FWN is a Global Network Provider with one exclusive Partner per Country.
Our focus uniqueness are:
- One Partner per Country / Region;
- Global Annual Meeting of all Partners without fee;
- Quarterly Regional Meetings without fee;
- Global sales lead coordination;
- Monthly Sales Visit Programme by FWN Senior Management to support Partner's
local sales;
- No annual fee;
- Global Nett settlement;
- Tracking and Tracing;
- Through Bill of Lading and Global Insurance;
- Sharing of Global statistics;
- Global Network Project Planning.
Where does the FWN partner benefit its customer? |
First and foremost, we listen to our customers, and having the flexibility and agility
not found in the large multi-national groups. We offer worldwide tracking and tracing
with Customer interface, and electronic document transmittal.
Does FWN have a global footprint? |
FWN's Global Network is supported by FWN Regional Offices in strategic cities.
Where is the focus for key markets? |
We recognise that the markets which will probably lead future growth are China and
India and we have established joint venture operations in both of these countries.
In the USA, still the world's largest economy and air and ocean freight forwarding
market, we have also set up a joint venture for FWN. As other markets progress to
reach similar levels of USA, China and India we shall adapt our business operations
to include these also.
Who are the people behind FWN and what background? |
The Directors - Enrico Furgada (Italy), have a minimum of 40 years individual experience
and expertise in the business of international freight forwarding, Fabio Furgada
15 years experience in logistics and world marketing. Both are working with global
customers and with FWN partners to reach optimal service levels and provide logistics
solutions to FWN worldwide Customers.